Folks, things are going so fast!  We decided to post a "coming soon" page to that you can see a little of what is coming down the pipeline.  Our "Wisdom Team" is building tools so quickly, and sharing so much wisdom, knowledge, gifts and skills that we must work hard to keep up with the releases.
Here is what you can expect in the near term:
2)  Photographic evidence and tools are being launched and posted as we go along.  This will include this project and the many others we will be tackling.  There will be no question when we're through as to what we are sharing with you.  Our focus for the present (and recent past) has been to develop a formidable presence on the Internet through .  This presence boasts of hundreds of videos now, and more are in development.  Become our "friend" their and/or subscribe for updates.
3)  A new venture into the Middle East has us going after one of the most significant "lost temples" of all time (Solomon's Temple which housed the Holy of Holies).  It has been found.  Now we are are going to explore it.

Have a wonderful day and keep searching for truth.  Ask, seek, knock!


Theodore L. (Ted) Whidden
Post Office Box 158
Chipley, Florida 32428 
United States of America
Phone 1-850-685-2353

You may also go to our online system for free electronic downloads, or for books in print purchase products as they are available.  Go to "Materials and Tools" to get the project started.



Subscribe to our Newsletter
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 850-685-2353
Address: Post Office Box 158
Chipley, Florida 32428
United States of America

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